Sunday, December 8, 2013

The best hair mask ever!

   I recently went from red to blonde, and let me tell you, it was a long (and expensive) road! The first stage was a brassy blonde that drove me nuts. No matter how much purple shampoo I used it still had an ugly orange tint to it. But the slower you transition to a lighter color the less damage it does to your hair. So I was willing to suffer through an ugly color for a couple of weeks. After about two sets of highlights I finally reached my desired blonde.

 . Even though my stylist took it really slow, there was still some damage done to my hair. When I brushed and styled it pieces broke off, and a lot of my ends began to split. Not fun. So I resorted to coconut oil and things of that nature. I used to it tame flyaways and rubbed in into my scalp to encourage hair growth. It worked "ok", but I needed to pull out the big guns. On a trip to Nordstrom Rack I came across a hair mask I had tried in the past and remembered it was pretty good. Well pretty good doesn't even begin to describe the miracles this stuff did for my hair! Its called "It's a 10" and yes, yes it is a 10!
   I have short hair and used about a tablespoon in my hair for about 5 minutes and my hair felt like SILK. I didn't have as much fallout when I blow dried it, and it was so smooth I hardly needed to flat iron it. This stuff SAVED my hair. If you have damaged or dry hair I highly recommend this mask! I think I've seen it at Target too. It's the best $30 you'll ever spend on your hair! Trust me! You'll love it! :)

*Oh, and the coconut oil on my roots did speed up the growth a little. Now I already have to get my roots touched up...... but my long locks are on their way back! :)